Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Classic Monica Moment

It was a pleasant summer evening, Ajay was a away on a business trip and I was preparing dinner for the children. Kabir and Sasha were quietly watching T.V. on the sofa when I tried to use our fridge ice machine. I pressed my glass against the dispenser, as I have done every other evening, however this time nothing came out. I could hear some intense crunching sound, and ice being moved around, so decided to investigate this further. Upon occasion I've been known to be a bit of a klutz in the kitchen, this time was no different. As I opened the freezer door ice spilled everywhere, I tried to move out of the way and slipped on a piece ice that had fallen on the floor, hanging onto the fridge door handle I pulled myself up thinking - 'I can fix this, I'm sure it's it's something obvious.' . In my infinite wisdom I decided to pick out the ice from inside the freezer door. The hole that led to the dispenser was higher than myself so I stood on my tiptoes removing the jammed pieces, reaching further and further until I hit something that felt like rubber. Curious, I pushed against it, again standing on the very tip of my toes, almost off the floor when – yes, you guessed it - my hand slipped right through the rubber. I remember thinking 'Oh God, this can't be good.'. Wondering where my hand ended up through this opening, I shook it around hearing my gold bangels jingle on the opposite side - my hand had slipped right through to the front of the fridge door! In a panic I tried to squeeze my hand back through, but my bangals were blocking my way. I tried to remove them but couldn't reach around far enough to take them off. I stood there feeling complete helpless, desperately thinking what I was going to do - my eyes welling up, imagining having to call my parents over to get me out of this bizarre predicament - worried how in the world would I explain this, I mean seriously, who does this kind of thing!!!

Thankfully Kabir wandered into the kitchen asking: "Mama, why are you crying?' , completely oblivious to how strange his mother looked hanging off the freezer door. Trying to compose myself, I ask him to get the cordless phone preparing to confess my stupidity...all I kept picturing was having to contact the Frigidaire hotline and saying: ' Yes, I'd like to speak to the client service department, need someone to help me remove my hand from the ice this isn't a prank call...yes I know you've never had anyone call about something like this, can you help me dammit!' , then all I could picture was someone sawing the fridge door in order to release me, then having to explain to Ajay what happened while he left the children in my care. Reluctant to make the 'rescue call' I looked around the room and saw a bottle of olive oil on the counter, I asked Kabir to bring it to me, I poured it in the hole where my hand was stuck and in the front where my bangals were. In one swift movement my hand slipped back out. So relieved, breaking only 2 gold bangals in the process, I'd never felt so grateful! Kabir watched in confusion as I cried now in happiness. Crisis averted...this time ;)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Letter to My Son

- I wrote this before his first birthday...

Dearest Kabir,

You came into our lives on All Saints Day , rather ironic since we named you after an ancient Sufi Saint . Your journey began one morning as I woke your father up, waving a positive pregnancy test in front of his expression of disbelief. We had been hoping and praying for a little miracle, and now our dream had finally come true.

Although nine months doesn’t sound like a long time, it certainly felt like it. We anxiously waited with baited breath as the first few weeks went by. Nervous about every single twinge until our first doctor's appointment. You may have been smaller than a pea but to us your heart beat was big and strong. We looked together in amazement at that small black and white monitor, feeling grateful that things were going well. You grew and leaps and bounds as my belly expanded beyond what we ever could have imagined possible. As my body changed week by week, I felt a strange sense of metamorphosis take place within my own being as well. I nurtured you with healthy food, Vivaldi and many happy thoughts until it was again time to see who you were becoming. Once again your Father and I stood staring in fascination at that magical screen. What was once a tiny tidbit of life now had organs, bones, hands, feet and a sweet little face. It was surreal, you were a person in every sense of the word…our beautiful son. We watched the video tape over and over again, trying to make out all the details, attempting to memorize every part of you. Then one day you moved - we were sitting in the car and you rolled from one side of my stomach to the other side. It was the first time I truly felt like someone was really growing inside of me. After that you made your presence known at every opportunity. Your Father did everything imaginaeble to entertain you, and you responded wonderfully by kicking with excitement.

As the months rolled on I had to adjust to my new, ever-changing, body. Near the end I was literally busting at the seams, I didn’t think I could take it for much longer, I really wanted you to be born. The anticipation was agony (so was walking to and from the train to work! ). Every step became almost unbearable, needless to say I was so happy to finally go on maternity leave. One morning I didn’t feel quite right, the doctor told me to go to the hospital to monitor your heartbeat as a precaution. I was convinced that this was a false alarm, my contractions were not consistent like all the books had described– but boy did they hurt! Regardless, I managed to clean the whole house before leaving for the hospital. Your Nani came to pick me up, she was so excited, even though I kept telling her we’ll be coming back home shortly. As far as I was concerned this couldn’t be labour, I was sure that I would have some maternal instinct that would let me know when it was time. I was wrong, as we reached the hospital the contractions were so intense I could barely move. I called your Dad, he was elated even though I still kept telling him it was probably a false alarm. I think I was trying to keep myself calm with the denial.

We waited and waited. Your Father and Nani played cards while I was given glorious pain relieving medication – God bless that doctor! You were moving pretty fast, the nurse said you would be here by dinner time. Then the unthinkable happened, due to unforeseeable complications the doctor announced that she would have to deliver you by c-section. I did not plan for this in any way. I never even read what this operation entailed, I never thought it would happen to me. Terror gripped my entire body - for me the intravenous drip had been a big deal, surgery was the last thing I anticipated. I planned for a natural birth – physically, mentally and spiritually. Now I was going to have you surgically removed from my body. It felt and sounded so wrong. Without delay, I was being taken to the operating theatre. So many things went through my mind, most of all the possibility that I would never get to see you. I turned to look at your Father sitting by my side who was trying so hard to be as brave as he could for me. I knew all along he was equally as scared as I was. I kept thinking “Does he know how much I love him? Did I ever tell him? What if I don’t get the chance to again?”. So I looked at him and said “There are so many things I want to say to you….” He just put his hand on my head and said “Don't worry, I already know.” Then we both went silent and began to mutter our own prayers beneath our breath. The doctors scurried about the room preparing...before we knew it you were out. Your Father saw you first. He said he saw your huge leg come out. He stood next to the heating table while they cleaned you up. He kept looking at me with an expression of complete shock. They brought you over to show me, you looked straight into my eyes. It was like a moment of recognition between you and I. You were perfect, but most of all you were ours…forever. I wanted to hold you so badly but the drugs from the operation had made my body so numb I could barely move or breathe. They took you to the nursery with your Dad where he had the honour of presenting his son to the entire family anxiously waiting in the maternity wing. He stood by proudly while the nurses examined you and measured you. It was the happiest moment of his entire life.

I was made to wait in the recovery room for quite sometime. I wanted to see you again so much. I felt terribly alone, wishing I could be with the family and share in all the happiness. It wasn’t fair. Finally they strolled me back to my room where everyone was eagerly waiting. I remember looking at your Nani and thinking “Wow, this must be how she felt when I was born.”. Until that very moment I never truly knew or understood how much she loved me. I’ll never forget thinking about how she had walked me through life and now I would be doing the same with you – as if somehow a torch was being passed onto me. Then, at last, I held you. The love I felt was so powerful, for the first time I was someone’s mother, it was overwhelming.

You were conceived in me, and grew inside of me, because of this alone no matter what happens you will continue to be apart of me. I may have gave you life but you my darling have given me a reason for living. In you I am reborn, I have learned to appreciate the simple things I have taken for granted for so long. Every time you look at me and smile I wish I could freeze that minute in time, when you laugh I wish that sound could ring in my ears for an eternity. I watch intently as you begin to explore through all of your senses, and I am looking forward to discovering the world again with you - step by step, moment by moment.

Mama xoxo

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Sasha is my spunky 3 year old who inspires me on a daily basis. Re-discovering the world through her eyes has been an absolute pleasure. She loves everyone unconditionally and is not afraid to show it. For someone so little, she has an intuitive understanding of human nature that truly astounds me. She adores her big brother so much and is his biggest cheerleader. I find myself completely overwhelmed every time I hear her say 'Kabir, I'm so proud of you, great job sweetie!'. I used to think she was just copying me, but over time I realized how sincere her reactions to all Kabir's achievements are. We go swimming together every Sunday, she always watched other children on the water slide, I'd ask her if she wanted to try, she'd reply 'maybe next time', even though I knew she wanted to, her fear was apparent. Today she took a chance and gave it a try. I have to say there was nothing as satisfying as watching her overcome her fear. She must have gone down the slide atleast 20 times, squealing with utter delight. I believe one of the most profound things about having children is watching them develop there personalities bit by bit everyday. Sasha continues to amaze me with her fearless determination to move past all obstacles that fall before her. There isn't a day that passes where I don't feel like a better person for knowing her.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Table

The weekend started off with utter chaos as Ajay, my dear hubby, discovered his hair products leaked all over our new kitchen table and burned a lovely white stain on to it the size of my hand. He tried to hide it with a place mat but Sasha (our 3 year old daughter) was quick to inform me of the mishap which occurred in my absence - "Daddy really messed up the table!" , she said it ten different ways before we both told her to cut it out. I tried to remove the stain with nail polish remover....not the best solution clearly, it just took the paint right off . All I kept thinking is "atleast we can throw a table cloth on it, worst case scenario". Ajay felt awful about it, especially since we haven't even paid the darn thing off yet. This table was cursed from the beginning. When it first arrived Ajay tried to assemble it when the screw cracked the table leg in half. We ate in the family room for almost 3 weeks until we receive the replacement. Ajay hopes to find something at the hardware store to recify the situation. I, on the other hand, am thinking about what colour of table cloth to buy.